A Sultan dreamed that he had lost all of his teeth. When he woke up from his dream, he command to call one of his wise men to interpret his dream.
What misfortune my lord!, exclaimed the wise man, each tooth fallen represents the loss of a relative of your majesty.
What insolence!, shouted the Sultan. How you dare to say such a thing? Get out of here! His called his guard and ordered to gives 100 lashes to the wise man.
Later he ordered to bring another wise men to interpret his dream. This, after listening to the Sultan with attention, told him: Great Sultan! Great happiness has been reserved for you! The dream means that you will survive to all of your relatives. The Sultan, with a big smile, ordered to give 100 gold coins to the wise men.
When the wise man came out of the palace, one of the courtiers told him admired: It is not possible! The interpretation that you gave to the Sultan is the same one as the first wise mean. I don't understand why the Sultan paid the first wise man with 100 lashes and he paid you 100 gold coins.
Remember my friend, the second wise man responded. It all depends on the way you say things. One of the challenges facing humanity is to learn to communicate.
Of the communication depends the peace or war, the happiness or misfortune. That the true must be such in any situation, there is no doubt, but the way that must be communicated is causing in some cases major problems.
The true can be compared with a precious stone. If we launched against the face of someone, you can hurt, but if you covered with a delicate packaging and offered with tenderness will certainly be accepted with pleasure.
It depends on you.
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