Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Trust Him

My favorite author is Max Lucado. I have read several of his books and one of my favorites is "When God's Story Became Your Story".

In this book Max relates about the time when Nelson Mandela was a prisoner:

"His prison life was harsh. He was confined to a six by six foot concrete room. Meals came from corn, the coffee was roasted corn mixed with water. Prisoners were awakened at 5:30 a.m. They crushed rocks into gravel. Discrimination continued even into the prison. Africans, like Mandela, were required to wear short pants and were denied bread. Yet God used it all to shape Mandela"

" He exercised daily. Most of all he honed the capacity to compromise and forgive. He developed courtesy in all situations. He study the bible for decades. After twenty seven years of confinement, at the age of seventy-two, Mandela was releases. Within four years Mandela was elected president and set up to lead South Africa. God needed an educated, sophisticated leader who'd mastered the art of patience and compromise, so he tempered Mandela in prison"

We have seasons that are hard to explain. Our lives at some point have been passed by fire. We imprisoned our frustrations and our broken dreams. Heaven knows we've felt the heat. But be still and trust him. I am with you declares the Lord. Let God make his story in you.

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