Wednesday, April 13, 2016

My friend - The Homeless

Near the exit of my job, I've saw a homeless who stops there to ask for money. In some occasions I have given him money. But several days passed and I did not se him anymore. Today I saw him again walking towards the bus stop. The peculiarity of this person is that he only has one arm. Today I was wondering what would be his story. He does not look like a drug addict, he is never drunk. How did he lose his arm? I don't think anyone will employ a person with only one arm. I saw him sitting on the bench waiting for the bus and on his side, written on the bench, there were some written words said " All you need is love".
Those words made sense to me. Immediately, I started to pray for him, asking God to send blessings for this man and that all of his needs will be supplied.

Today I discovered a new meaning for the word Love. Love is compassion.

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