Sunday, April 17, 2016

The pleasure of reading

Have you ever entered to a book store and enjoy the smell of the books? Have you ever picked up a book and simply couldn't put it down? Maybe you, like me, are a bookworm. Reading isn't a meaningless pastime. It provides a variety of benefits. For example:

 1. Reading improves your mental health. Experts agree that reading reduce the likelihood of Alzheimer's Disease. 

2. Reading helps to connect with people, improve social life and connect with new environments.

3.Reading improves reading skills,spelling and grammar.

4. Reading reduce stress and increased relaxation.

5.Reading improves the "Theory of Mind" which is what enables human beings to understand the beliefs, desires and intents of others.

Whether you are an active reader or non reading you may be surprised to learn that reading for pleasure is beneficial for your life. It is never to late to start a reading habit.

(inspired by Deyse Bravo & Jessica Spears article "One for the books")

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